Thursday, September 29, 2005

Gore for Porn - And Nobody Will Pay For It

Well, apparently the U.S. can get away with war crimes on a regular basis. We can also take a piss on our own Uniform Code of Military Justice. Rules just don't matter anymore. Respect and Honor have become hollow words within the halls of the Pentagon. Every day I am more ashamed of my nation. I was once so proud.

The report is here.


At 2:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it sure can, and does. rules haven't mattered since the economic boom of the post-wwII period. there doesn't need to be a standard or a purpose anymore. the emperor and his underlings all do as they please, consequences being only to the people unfortunate enough to cross their paths.

i still don't know what to do. move to a civilized place with a few more sane people per capita, or stay here and try to bring back something resembling sensability. of course i realize fighting the good, real fight is probably impossible now...

At 5:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like any of this shit matters, we've broken more international laws and committed more war crimes than most of our enemies.


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